5 Things You Can Master in 2018 to Increase Your Chances of Success

5 Things You Can Master in 2018 to Increase Your Chances of Success

“Success comes when opportunity meets preparation.”

-Zig Ziglar

Welcome Gentrifanatics!

Everything you do should be in preparation for success. But even before that, you need to define what success looks like for you!

Everyone is different, this is true. However, everyone can benefit from their perception of success advice.

If you think this blog is great and helpful for you in your personal life that’s a benefit for you (and me)!

If you think this blog is terrible and you could do it better then that actually benefits you too. Even bad advice has the ability to spark ideas that promote success!gentrifanatic, wealth, health, wellness

However, it almost goes without saying that if you don’t like my blog you’re dead to me.

In the past I have made a ton of mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes I made was looking for ways to better myself without considering actually bettering myself.

What I mean is that I would seek out what other people were doing to be successful before I really understood how I learned best or what I really cared about. It’s the old saying, if you don’t know where you’re going then any road will take you there!

I had a severe case of shiny object syndrome. Every new thing I saw I wanted to do that thing. I would be super into it for a short time and then something new would come along. I’d get into that next thing and the cycle would continue.

Sometimes that freedom can be liberating but more often it’s chaotic.

Humans need direction.

Sometimes we can be too lazy to sit down and determine a direction for ourselves. When that happens we end up following what we see all the time and what were used to.

Doing the same thing will never get you anywhere other than where you are.

One of my top strengths is being a learner. I love learning new things but I was turning that strength into a weakness through a lack of focus.

I still love learning any and everything so now my focus is on building a lifestyle that allows me the time to focus on whatever I choose. I’m honing my skill of learning to build success.

In this post you’ll hear about five ways that you can master your chances of success in life.

When in doubt learn yourself!

1. Build on Small Disciplines

Some of you might hear the word discipline and tune out. I get it.

Discipline is an interesting word that often brings up thoughts of things that aren’t fun or exciting but you know you should be doing!

Building on small disciplines just means that to build success, you don’t have to make any huge changes to your normal life.gentrifanatic, wealth, health, wellness

Major changes can be daunting but small changes over time is more manageable.

For example, if you’re not a runner the thought of running 5 miles straight may sound like something reserved for the uber fit.

You’re thinking, “I can’t run 5 miles so I’m not gonna run”.

No one likes starting at the bottom but it’s a pride swallowing situation. It’s ok to start by running a tenth of a mile and adding a little more distance each day. You’re hacking your own mindset through being consistent. Do what you know you can do easily and increase that a little each time!

This can be applied to anything.

Try starting a small discipline like learning about a topic that you’re interested in. Seek out information on that topic each day.

Consistency is key to this practice.

Determine things that you feel will make you successful and do something related to those things each day. Then consistently build on those things.

2. Seek out mentors

To be successful in something seek out others who are already successful in that thing.

This piece is short and sweet.gentrifanatic, wealth, health, wellness

It’s always best to learn from people who have actually done something. Be sure to vet your mentors. Someone who has read how to do something is very different then someone who has actually done it.

You can read how to do things yourself. If someone has actually had consistent success in something that is the person you want to talk to.

3. Think of each dollar spent as an investment

Financial success depends knowing where your money goes. This is something gentrifanatics do best.

Investing is when you expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result.

It goes back to buying assets and not liabilities.

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Each dollar you spend is an investment in your future. Determine whether you are spending for your immediate gratification or building something for the future.gentrifanatic, wealth, health, wellness

Think about what you’re getting in return each time you spend money. Is that thing going to make you more money?

If not then scrutinize the hell out of that purchase! A good practice is to find something you want to buy and then purposely delay buying until you have slept on it.

Leave the store, go home, go to bed. If you wake up and still think it’s a good idea to buy that thing then go for it! You’ll be surprised how many times that thing you thought was a must have yesterday seems unnecessary or even silly today!

4. Master your time

Allot time for things in your day to be successful. Try to have a plan of action each day.

Some experts say that analytical things should be done early in the morning. Then after lunch do your administrative things like answer emails of data entry. Then in the late afternoon work on creating and innovating.

Remember to always take time for yourself. Develop a morning routine (small disciplines).

Be careful of what you say yes to. I know you want to be helpful and have people come to you for things but you can’t allow people to consistently side track you.gentrifanatic, wealth, health, wellness

When you’re in the middle of doing something, and someone distracts you, it takes a lot of energy to switch mindsets and then switch back!

Say no more often!

Don’t be rude about saying no. Let people know that you can help them later or that you simply can’t take on any new tasks. Maybe even recommend an alternative point of contact that may be able to help them.

Don’t sacrifice your focus for someone else’s benefit without seriously considering the consequences.

5. Write your goals

Writing goals is vital for success!

Of course you can use evernote or some other note taking device but when it comes to your personal goals grab a pen.

Physically write your goals on paper and make sure they’re SMART!

gentrifanatic, wealth, health, wellnessSpecific




Time bound

An example of one of my SMART goals is that I want to build my rental portfolio to cash flow $12,000 per month by January 2023.

It’s specific, and you can measure it ($12,000). It’s a realistic goal because I currently have a rental portfolio that cash flows and I’m looking to increase that. Finally it’s time bound because I’m giving myself five years to complete the goal.

Your goals should be where you can see them everyday. This way you’re constantly reminded of what you’re looking for.

As a bonus, next to your goals, write what you’re grateful for. Practicing gratitude is essential to success and often overlooked.

Take Aways

Success is different for everyone. You need to learn yourself and then cater your path to success to your personal ways.

gentrifanatic, wealth, health, wellnessBe consistent.

Seek out people that have been successful and learn from them.

Make sure you spend money on things that either make you money or make you truly happy (be honest with yourself about this one).

Make time for yourself and learn to say no.

Write down your goals (SMART) and what you’re grateful for.

These are all things you can do this year that will make you more successful than you were last year!

As always I’m here to help!

Just hmu , I’ll be around!

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