9 Outstanding Motivational Quotes To Enhance Your Mindset In 2018

9 Outstanding Motivational Quotes To Enhance Your Mindset In 2018

Motivation is common among successful people. Mindset is everything.


I’m sure you’ll agree that mindset matters!

You need to learn from people who are doing what you want to do! Hearing wise words from successful people always motivates me to do my best work.

There was a time when I thought I should do everything on my own. I was actually proud of myself. I thought, “Hey, I’m self sufficient, I’m independent…I don’t need advice from old people!”

Man…I was so wrong.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Remember that Nas song, no idea’s original? It’s true, 9 times out of 10 someone has done what you want to do. Learn from them. Even if they didn’t do exactly what you want to do they can help spark your original idea.

In this post you’ll hear 9 outstanding quotes motivational quotes to enhance your mindset this year. Don’t take them as gospel, use them as lighter fluid for your own ideas!

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9. Formal Education Will Make You A Living, Self Education Will Make You A Fortune.

-Jim Rohn

8. Don’t Get Sidetracked By People Who Aren’t On Track

7. The Pain of Discipline is Far Less Than the Pain of Regret

-Nathan Whitley

6. Everyone Can Tell You the RISK, An Entrepreneur Can See the Reward

-Robert Kiyosaki

5. It’s Not How Much Money You Make, But How Much Money You Keep, How Hard It Works For You, and How Many Generations You Keep It For.

– Robert Kiyosaki

4. The Best Time To Plant a Tree Was 20 Years Ago, the Second Best Time is Now

-Warren Buffet

3. All Good Decisions Come From Good Information

2. Make Your Passion Your Paycheck

1. Talent Hits A Target No One Else Can Hit; Genius Hits A Target No One Else Can See

-Arthur Schopenhauer

Wrap Up

Again, these quotes aren’t just so you can memorize a cool saying!

Look to them for motivation.

Think about who said them and why.

Envision how you can incorporate these principles into your own life!

It’s not what you read, or even what you remember. It’s what you put into action that counts!

If you ever want to discuss Wealth, Health, and Wellness just HMU, I’ll be around!

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