5 Life Changing Superfoods That Will Destroy the Unproductive You in 2018

5 Life Changing Superfoods That Will Destroy the Unproductive You in 2018

Stressing output is the key to improving productivity, while looking to increase activity can result in just the opposite.

~ Andrew Grove


You’re in the right place!

Whether your goal is to increase your wealth, health, or wellness (hopefully all three) you need to be productive!

Now being productive doesn’t mean doing a bunch of work that doesn’t matter. Trust me, I was caught in that trap for years; in more ways then one.

One example of this in my life that stands out is how I went about getting in shape. Like most people I associated getting in shape with running a lot. Don’t get me wrong, running is crucial, but in the big picture it’s not the most effective thing to do to get in shape.

For years, 6 days out of the week, I would go to the gym, get on the treadmill and run three miles, then lift weights. Now if you’re not into working out this may sound like a fool proof plan but really I was spinning my wheels.Gentrifanatic, Wealth, Health, Wellness, Productivity

After I wasn’t getting the results I wanted over the course of a few years (I know, I’m hardheaded) I decided to read up on it.

I found that I really needed to be doing my cardio and my weight training separate if possible to get the best results. I discovered high intensity interval training (HIIT) which changed my life! Most importantly I realized that my diet was terrible!

My thinking was that that because I worked out so much I could eat whatever I wanted…WRONG! When it comes to health, diet is the first thing you should focus on!

Before I got smart I was being efficient in my workouts (doing them religiously) but I wasn’t being effective (getting the desired results). Finding ways to increase my fitness productivity helped me. However, what really got me over the bar was changing my diet!

Being productive really starts inside of you. What you put in your body is so important.

In this post you’ll learn about 5 life changing superfoods that will send your productivity levels through the roof!

1. Maca Root

While searching for foods that increase your productivity and mental well being remember this word.


Maca root, also known as Peruvian Ginseng, is an adaptogen. In a nutshell that means is that it works through your adrenal glands to produce adjustments in your body to combat, and increase resistance to stress. 

What makes Maca so great for your productivity is that it has been known to give you energy and make you feel more awake. It does all this very soon after taking it without giving you any nervousness or jitters. Maca has also been shown to reduce depression and increase stamina.Gentrifanatic, Wealth, Health, Wellness, Productivity

When it comes to memory and focus Maca has shown to be extremely beneficial.

As an added bonus Maca is known to improve female sexual health and boost male fertility!

I’ve been taking Maca for a few years. I’ve never had any type of side effects or experienced anything negative associated with taking Maca. Everyone is different but it may be something you’d like to introduce to your diet.

Maca is best in a smoothie. Buy some Maca powder and put it in your morning smoothie or your post workout protein shake!

2. Chia Seeds

Gentrifanatics are warriors!

Did you know that Aztec warriors ate Chia Seeds to give them high energy and endurance? Supposedly one teaspoon of this stuff could keep a warrior going for 24 hours.

Chia actually means strength in the Mayan language. If chia seeds can give warriors fighting in battles stamina, imagine what it could do for you in your everyday life!Gentrifanatic, Wealth, Health, Wellness, Productivity

These seeds are so good for you because they are high in fiber, protein, and omega three fatty acids. Let’s break that down a little bit.

  • You need to have fiber because it’s important in preventing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If you’re eating a lot of processed foods you’re likely not getting enough fiber every day which can lead to digestive issues and make you susceptible to all types of diseases.
  • Everyone associates protein with gym rats but it’s really an essential part of your overall health. Protein effects your body on a cellular level down to your DNA. It’s basically the building block of you!
  • Omega three is vital because it helps lower the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis. There are three main types:  ALA (chia seeds), EPA, and DHA.

Eating chia seeds may take some getting used to. One of the most common ways is to put them in some type of beverage (preferably water or kombucha). If you’ve never had chia seeds it’s definitely a different type of texture but once you try it you’re hooked!

3. Sardines

Ok, quick glimpse into my personal life: if it wasn’t for sardines I suppose you could classify me as a vegan.

A lot of you are probably saying “…yea but salmon though…”

Salmon is great, it’s delicious and has a lot of nutritious qualities but check out my reasoning.Gentrifanatic, Wealth, Health, Wellness, Productivity

What’s the biggest concern when it comes to eating fish? Mercury right? Mercury is a heavy metal that is extremely toxic to humans.

Think of it like this. Salmon are big fish, there are a lot of smaller fish that salmon eat. Salmon, as well as the smaller fish that they eat, all have the potential to have mercury in them.

Sardines are small fish, there aren’t many fish that are smaller than sardines. This means that comparatively sardines will likely expose you to less mercury. Now, back to productivity.

Remember the types of omega three’s:  ALA, EPA, and DHA? Well DHA is the best thing you can do for your brain and sardines are full of it! DHA is vital for brain health in infants through adults. It not only increases your memory; it can counteract learning difficulties!

Eating sardines is easy. Buy a can and go at it! But make sure you get the sardines that are in water only with no salt!

**Disclaimer** Don’t try to sue me if you’re allergic to fish, read this, and then go eat some fish.

4. Lions Mane Mushrooms

Lions Mane is probably the coolest thing on this list!

Mushrooms are really starting to get a lot of traction in the health world, and for good reason!

Truth be told we’re late! Lions mane has been used by people in Asia for centuries! They have been using it to help with everything from anxiety to muscle cramps! It’s been said that Buddhist monks consumed Lion’s mane tea for centuries before meditation in order to enhance their powers of concentration.

Some of the potential qualities of lions mane are its ability to restore brain function, regrow damaged nerves and reverse the progression of multiple sclerosis!

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Just like Maca; lions mane is an adaptogen (there’s that word again). Studies have shown that adults with mild cognitive impairment have benefitted significantly from eating lions mane.

On top of all that it just looks so cool!

Buy lions mane mushrooms and cook them (they taste like lobster)! You can also buy them ground up and drink them like the Buddhist monks. I actually drink them every single day in the form of mushroom coffee which has been an absolute game changer for me!

5. Quinoa

So lions mane looks really cool and does some cool stuff. When you really just want no a nonsense food powerhouse you gotta get some Quinoa.

Quinoa is one of the most nutritious foods that you can eat. Hands down.

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This is another “warrior” food. It was used by Inca warriors in Peru to increase stamina!

You learned about protein a little earlier right? Well quinoa is the best source of pound for pound protein you can put in your body.

I don’t wanna hear about your bison steaks, your salmon, or your grass fed whatever!

Let’s get a little technical here and talk amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.

Amino acids do important bodily functions, like giving cells their structure. They also play a key role in the transport and the storage of nutrients. Amino acids have an influence on the function of organs, glands, tendons and arteries. They are furthermore essential for healing wounds and repairing tissue, especially in the muscles, bones, skin and hair as well as for the removal of all kinds of waste deposits produced in connection with the metabolism

If you hear the term complete protein that means that it’s a protein that has all the essential amino acids. They’re essential because your body needs them but your body doesn’t make them.

Guess how many amino acids quinoa has? Exactly, all of them! It’s a complete protein.

Look at 1 ounce of quinoa versus one ounce of grilled chicken:

You’re getting more protein with none of the artery clogging cholesterol!

Quinoa is easy to eat prepare. Just boil 2 cups of  water, throw in a cup of dry quinoa, and cook for 15 min (until the white curly things start coming out)!

Final Thoughts

All of these superfoods are great. Incorporating them into your daily diet will work wonders for your brain power and productivity!

Eating clean just gives you a whole new outlook on life. You’ll find that you have less headaches and you get sick a whole lot less.This leads to increased productivity!

Our communities need more producers! Whatever you produce make it positive and share it with the world! Healthy eating is doing wonders for Detroit, check out my previous post, 2018 Farming Revitalizing Detroit and Avoiding Gentrification!

Gentrifanatic, Wealth, Health, Wellness, Productivity

Many people will never try new foods over the fear of allergic reactions and the like. Of course allergies are real but they’re also perpetuated by unhealthy environments and unhealthy eating! Always know what’s best for your body but give something new a try!

Finally, all of these foods are perfect but don’t forget about water! Good quality water is just as essential to your physical and mental fitness.

Drink more water!

Try these things out and then drop a comment and let me know how it’s going!

If you have any questions you know you can always HMU…I’ll be around!


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